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8 décembre 2019 7 08 /12 /décembre /2019 08:16
Keith Haring - Tête à travers ventre (104 août 2013 Plume Solidaire)

Keith Haring - Tête à travers ventre (104 août 2013 Plume Solidaire)

The foundation of Wuji jing gong was established by Master Chen Jisheng, of Tangshan, Hebei Province, China. Master Chen absorbed the essence of the many schools of Taijiquan and created Jinggong Circular Taijiquan. Jinggong Circular Taijiquan attaches importance to tranquility and relaxation, and extends them to a very pure state. Being circular requires coordination of the body, which in turn enables the movement to be circular; this not only gives winning edge in attack and defense, but also gives obvious effect in preserving health. The Wuji jing gong is like nature, for fragile and ephemeral as it is, is nonetheless the principle of change and diversity. Everything is born and everything dies to be reborn and die again. So the suffering and death are there simply and in themselves enrolled in life itself. Through the plays down the spiritual experience is, see them as they are, far from any consideration emotional and intellectual, far from any dualistic judgment. No one speaks about nature, it is allowed to speak, say what it is without constraint. The practice of Wuji jing gong is non-attachment to the gestures, and non-attachment to the world. But because it is non-attachment, it is also non-action within the meaning of Taoist wu-wei. "After the time of the decline comes the turn. The powerful light that had been driven out again its entry. A movement occurs naturaly, arising spontaneously. This is why the transformation of old things is perfectly easy. Therefore we must not rush artificially. Everything comes spontaneously when it is time. this is the way (Tao) of Heaven and earth. "* (* Richard Wilhelm)

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2 objectifs et 10 règles pour l'écrivain public (vidéo 3'30)


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espère-je !

Pourquoi me bouge je ?

Le monde n'est pas
difficile à vivre à cause
de ceux qui font le mal,
mais à cause de ceux
qui regardent
et laissent faire

Albert Einstein

Le Film de l'immigration

  25839 71896

Un film de 40 minutes pour deux siècles d’immigration en France. 


Source :

Cité nationale de l'histoire de l'immigration